Just a normal day

so today is January 7, 2016 just the beginning of the new year. today i went to school got an f on a quiz had a fight with a family member, those are only the highlights of my day. that’s also a normal day for me.  One loud word diverse and distinct from any other and my calmness vanished turning into a hurricane washing over my body. the ground falling from my feet grow only a pit of fire overheating my body making my face bright red. screaming and yelling wanting it to all stop. but how does it stop. that constant argue of disguise. making one loud diverse word like any other, conquer the hurricane not letting it conquer over you, climb the mountain and stand proudly on the top not falling off. talking in a normal voice telling them to stop make it all stop, cause that’s when it ends. it all ends. every little word, every drizzle of rain, every mountain being climbed.  instead of waiting for time to stop everything on our living universe to vanish, hope that day doesn’t come.


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